As many know, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is weighing and preparing to rule on the legality of same-sex marriage across America sometime in the summer of 2015.  The ruling, regardless to what the decision is, will be historic. Many of the Justices have revealed that they favor same-sex marriage being elevated to the level of a civil right and thus becoming the law of the land.

It’s only been two years since the current Obama Administration went before the SCOTUS to ask that the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed into law by President Clinton to defend marriage, be struck down.  The Attorney General, Eric Holder, had publicly declared he would no longer enforce it.   The SCOTUS agreed with the Administration that the law was not constitutional and struck it down.  At that time same-sex marriage was legal in nine states; it is now legal in 36 states in the union.  The legal status in most of these states came from a Judge declaring it to be so over the objection of the voters.  The agenda to transform the American culture is swiftly progressing and not in the direction of Christian values. 

Christians will find that if the SCOTUS rules in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage across America, it will mean that practicing Christianity in certain instances will become a crime.  If it is the practice of Christians (and it is) not to condone same-sex marriage, not to use business or church resources to promote or celebrate it, then Christians very well may be in violation of the law and charged with discrimination merely for refusing to host a ceremony, cater a party or rent a facility for a gay wedding.

If that sounds far fetched to you, you have not followed the recent news.  A bakery owner in Oregon was sued and forced to close because she refused to cater a gay wedding due to her religious convictions.  The gay couple could have chosen one of hundreds of bakeries that had no such religious conviction or conflict but they decided to make an example and force the hand of this one shop.

“Already a Methodist church association in New Jersey lost its property tax exemption status because it refused to allow use of their facilities for a same-sex union. Although the church then obtained a religious exemption instead, it ceased all weddings on its boardwalk pavilion.”[i]

This is not and has never been a fight against those who choose a different lifestyle.  For God so loved the world (and all that are in it) so much so that He gave His only begotten Son.  If any name the name of Christ, they will likewise demonstrate the love of God.  This is a spiritual battle meant to blur the truth of God’s Word and intimidate believers to be silent. 

Ephesians six says that the Christian’s fight is a spiritual battle, not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness strategically placed in high positions.  If same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land we will quickly come to realize just how true this is and what the underlying intent of this movement really is.  It is not about allowing two people to marry but rather destroying the foundations of a nation one pillar at a time from the inside out.  It’s about drawing new lines of morality and mocking even daring Believers to stand in opposition of the majority. 

“Martin Luther King's argument in "Letter from Birmingham Jail" considered just and unjust laws. Just laws are laws in conformity to higher law we have a duty to obey. We also have a duty to disobey laws that are against higher law but be prepared for the consequences of the wrath of the civil authorities. We still cannot obey the unjust laws”. [ii]

Be very sure, even if the SCOTUS rule in favor of same-sex marriage and make it the law of the land in all 50 status, it will in NO WAY Change the Truth of the Word of God.  If every citizen in America chooses to support the ruling it will in NO WAY degrade the Truth of God’s Word.  God’s Word is forever settled in the heavens!  What if we reach the point where some or all do not believe, will it dilute the Truth?  God Forbid, Let God be True and every man that opposes His truth be a liar (Romans 3:4).  

The question is When you Stand, Whose Side Will You Stand On?   It’s not just enough to Stand within the comfort of your four walls, but we must Stand with those who are targeted.  The enemy will come to destroy them.  Just as hundreds of thousands maybe even millions stood with Chik-fil-A when they were targeted and with Hobby Lobby when they were targeted and we watched God turn what was meant to be their defeat into their victory, we must be prepared to stand – not based on race or gender or political parties but based on the only question that matters, Who’s on the LORD’s Side?

[i] &[ii] Mat Staver, “Sobering Message to the Supreme Court” Breaking Christian News April 9, 2015.