How many more pulpits are we going to allow politicians to stand in and ask for the church vote without knowing what they really stand for?  …Without demanding that they stop opposing Christian values with their votes?  Most churches never see or hear from politicians until they need the Church vote.

Do we as pastors, ministry leaders and people of faith examine the candidates to see if their values are in line with Christian principles?  Do we accept the hallow rhetoric or do we verify their voting record and life-style? 

When are we going to demand that candidates support our values or at the very least not fight against and oppose them?  How long will we vote for candidates just because of the political party they represent?  For too long each party has taken for granted its base constituency, assuming we will vote based on political party affiliation and nothing more.   A common response is that ‘at least he or she is better than what the opposition party is offering’.  But how do you know?  Have you examined the other candidates, those that you thought and were told are toxic just because of the alphabet behind their name?

Is our allegiance to our Political party or to the principles and cause of Christ?  In order to effect real change in the community, we must be informed, we must pray AND then we must vote.  Vote for candidates who demonstrate Christian values or at least those who have a moral conscience.  If there are none on the ballot that fit that description, identify and support (in word and in deed) a candidate who does!  Be sure to hold them accountable and stop making excuses for their ungodly voting record.

 For too long we have allowed the culture of the world to penetrate and influence the way we preach, vote, think and live.   Believers are called to be the salt of the earth; called to influence the culture, change the environment – how are you doing with that?  If we do not exercise our influence we will continue to be marginalized and taken for granted.

 Fredrick Douglass said, "Power concedes nothing without a demand.  It never did and it never will".  What are you doing with the power and influence God has given you?  What demands are you making?  When was the last time you voted for a candidate other than those in your party?  When was the last time you spoke out against evil in your party?  Demand more from those who want your vote.  Raise the bar, stand for righteousness and see which candidates are drawn to and driven from you – it might shift your paradigm and have you voting for those that don’t share your party affiliation!

 If we keep doing what we’re doing, we’ll keep getting what we’re getting.   Let’s raise the standard of righteousness.  Let’s see who is on the Lord’s side. Let your vote (and your candidate of choice) reflect your faith in God!

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